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Cocktail 10 3 2 – General Maintenance And Optimization Utility

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  2. Cocktail 10 3 2 – General Maintenance And Optimization Utility Solutions
  3. Cocktail 10 3 2 – General Maintenance And Optimization Utility Supply
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Cocktail 10 3 2 – General Maintenance And Optimization Utility Billing

5.7.3 Planned Maintenance Optimization Planned maintenance optimization (PMO) is a well-established, tried and tested maintenance strategy, dating back to the 1990s. Around this time there was a lot of concern from the industry that RCM did not suit the requirements for facilities that had existing maintenance programs with limited resources. Cocktail 3.7.3 Cocktail is a general purpose utility for Mac OS X. Mac Pilot 2.2 With its complete set of Mac tools and easy to use interface, Mac Pilot is truly your digital companion. Tiger Cache Cleaner 3.2.4 Panther Cache Cleaner is a utility designed to provide easy access to numerous OS X maintenance and utility options.

2.7 MB

Cocktail gives you access to hidden features of your disks, system, files, network and interface.

It is a smooth, powerful and simple to use utility with all major features arranged in five basic categories and a 'Pilot' that lets you maintain your system with one click of the button.


  • Enable or disable journaling.
  • Repair disk permissions.
  • Set disk spindown time.

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  • Prebind and re-prebind entire system or selected folder.
  • Run cron scripts.
  • Change startup mode and language.
  • Modify sleep settings.
  • Force empty trash.
  • Rebuild Launch Services database.
  • Update whatis and locate databases.


  • Delete locked or inaccessible items.
  • Delete invisible DS Store files.
  • Clean system, user and Internet caches.
  • View, rotate, print and save logs.
  • Create symbolic links.
  • Recreate Mac OS 9 Desktop alias.
  • Lock or unlock files and folders.


  • Change speed, duplex and MTU.
  • Optimize network settings for eight most common types of connections or apply the custom optimization.
  • Configure the Mac OS X file server.


  • Customize look and features of Finder, Dock and login window.
  • Modify hidden settings of Exposé, Mail, Safari and other applications.


  • Easily optimize your system.
  • Schedule maintenance tasks.

What's New:

Cocktail adds ability to search and delete corrupted preference files, adds a searchable database of Mac OS system error codes, adds a list of commonly used network ports, improves the clear log files procedure and fixes a number of minor bugs discovered in the previous release.

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[MAC] Cocktail 9.3.5 – General maintenance and optimization utility.

Cocktail 10 3 2 – General Maintenance And Optimization UtilityCocktail 9.3.5 – General maintenance and optimization utility.
Size: 6.5 MB

Cocktail is a general purpose utility for OS X that lets you clean, repair and optimize your Mac. It is a powerful digital toolset that helps hundreds of thousands of Mac users around the world get the most out of their computers every day.

The application serves up a perfect mix of maintenance tools and tweaks, all accessible through a clean and easy to use interface. Cocktail’s features are arranged into five categories that helps you manage various aspects of your computer. It also comes with an automatic Pilot-mode that allows you to simply press a button and relax, knowing that Cocktail will take care of the rest.


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Cocktail 10 3 2 – General Maintenance And Optimization Utility Solutions

Improvements on the “Purge inactive memory” procedure
Improvements on the “Clear User caches” procedure
Fixed compatibility issues with EtreCheck
Miscellaneous bug fixes and enhancements


OS X 10.11 or later

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Cocktail 10 3 2 – General Maintenance And Optimization Utility Supply

좋은 자료에는 '좋아요!' / 광고, 불량 자료는 '별로에요'를 눌러주세요! 비회원도 가능!

Cocktail 10 3 2 – General Maintenance And Optimization Utility
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